Saturday, December 27, 2014

Kaweco Sport Classic Review

Appearance & Design - I feel this design to be a very "love it or leave it" sort of pen. It is modern and fashionable, which many pen lovers will probably hate. Thankfully though I am in the "Love it" category. The faceted design paired with the golden highlights make for an overall good pen. That being said it is a very simplistic design that does not exactly bring anything to the table. Score 8/10
Construction & Quality - I have only one complaint about the quality of the pen. When the pen is screwed into the pen there is a slight amount of wiggle that you can get. It makes for a feeling that the pen is not secure. Other than that there are no major gripes, but remember the pen is made out of a plastic and is prone to cracking if not taken care of. Score 6/10
Weight & Dimensions - This is a super light pen, coming in around 10 grams. That being said, the light weight actually does not bother me that much in this pen, it goes with the simplistic aurora then pen puts off. Being a pocket pen, which I adore, the sizing is great. small enough to be thrown into your pocket, yet it is just the right size when you right. Score 10/10
Nib Performance - I have this pen in a medium nib, which I would say is a true medium. Smooth for the cost, and looks good with the gold plating. I have slight issues with fast upright strokes, but they have to be very fast and even then it is pretty minimal skipping. Score 8/10
Filling System - This is where this pen faces some issues. It is a cartridge/converter and is standard international, which means you can choose from the companies who use this size, or just refill a cartridge with an ink syringe. But if you're like me you want just want to get to get a converter and skip all of that mess. But since the pen is so small there is only one or two converters that fit the Sport, and none of them are exactly perfect. Thankfully this pen can also be an eyedropper filled pen, which I have done, and while this is nice it isn't for everyone. Score 5/10
Cost & Value - The pen can be had for around $25 in a multitude of colors and even a few demonstrators. For that price you are getting a great looking, well writing, and fun little pen. I would be hard pressed to find a better pen for the cost. Score 10/10
Overall - Let's be frank, the pen is not perfect, but it isn't acting like it is nor does it want to be. For this price there are a multitude of pens that can be had, yet all of them leave something wanting. The Kaweco checks all of my boxes, and while it has some issues, I would say it is the best sub $30 pen. Overall Score 7.8333..../10

Now for everyone's favorite, the pictures:

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